Thursday, October 23, 2008

Directing for Better or Worse

I have not posted recently because I am in a lot of turmoil. (Did my last post give me away?) Anyway, after much gnashing of teeth, I have decided to make the current show I’m working on multi-person. Yes, a cast. And so I have chosen to direct it. So…some of you knowing people are probably already smiling, and I can understand. I know I have no idea of what I am getting myself into. And with that knowledge, I have been reading up on the subject and picking my acting teacher’s brains. I have gotten some really good information from Creating Life On Stage (I’m talking about basics of directing), because, among the myriad of pointers MWM gives out, he outlines a rehearsal schedule, with the breakdown of who needs to attend. One of the top items my acting teacher had mentioned about directing was “respect the actor’s time”. Not a problem, I can’t stand it when my time is wasted. Anybody else out there have some tips for me directing? Twitter

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